This is a project I completed recently, for "a louer", or in english, 'for rent'. The directors of this venture are approaching vacant commercial spaces, notably in areas needing a little love, as was the case with this particular window. With the will participation of the landowner, artists are commissioned to do a window installation in order to attract attention to the space, beautify the area, and make folks on the street happy. The works come down once the space is rented.
This window was a beast for a couple of reasons...not only was the pane on the left broken and held tenuously together by strips of duct tape, but it had been covered in spray paint and wheat-paste posters in the year and half since it had been rented. Nadine and I scrubbed/scrapped the windows for some time, and when clean, glued sheets of plexiglass directly to the front and back of the broken window to prevent this thing from exploding on some innocent bystander. (we wonder why some spaces don't rent themselves?!)
Hurdle number two was the painting itself. Who knew painting in a window would be so difficult? I'm not thrilled with the results, but overall, was very happy to have participated in the project, and received good response from folks walking by. And for future reference, I now know window painting is not for me. Good to clear that one up.
"a louer", directed by Nadine Faraj and Andre Cornellier, through UMA (La Maison de L'image et de la Photographie).
A small excerpt from their website....
"Le projet À LOUER trouve des espaces commerciaux vides et y installe des œuvres d'art qui y demeurent jusqu'à ce que ces espaces trouvent preneur.
Le quartier est par la même occasion mis en valeur en bonifiant chacun de ces espaces inhabités, tout en donnant une vitrine aux artistes de la relève."

Check out more of this remarkable project, and/or submit an application to UMA/a louer at this link: