OUch! The absence of late has been caused in part to my recent relocation to a cool, dim, productive little spot under a rock. Many tales to tell, but most of it related to the EN MASSE business. One might find a good time over at enmasse.info.
In the meantime...a few side projects I've been cookin up in the kitchen...mostly commissions. My View from the Under the rock...
Some months ago, I was privately commissioned to do an interpretation of the battle on the Plains of Abraham...a very important, albeit brief moment in Canada's history...a struggle that put British interests on top (for better or worse).
General Wolfe on the left, leading the British, lies dying on the battle field (where he drew his last breath), while General Montcalm mortally wounded on the right, soon follows his adversary. The battle rages in a cloud of anger, fear, gun-smoke, blood and dead bodies, as the early morning sun watches quietly through the rising column of cloud.
Finally, Montcalm gazes at a nice place to enter.
The shots aren't that great, taken in my studio, but they give the general impression.