20 images x 20 seconds x come to be inspired !
Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
doors open @ 19:40
presentations start @ 20:20
SAT [Société des arts technologiques]
1195 Saint-Laurent
5 $
Pecha Kucha is a Japanese phrase that means ‘the sound of conversation’ or ‘chit chat’ and it’s a mix of show-and-tell, open-mike night and happy hour. It was originally conceived by architects in Japan who wanted an informal forum for creative people to meet, network, and share ideas without the danger of a designer run amuck with PowerPoint and microphone. So the format allows each presenter 20 images shown for just 20 seconds each, without control of ‘forward’ or ‘back, please,’ making for a concise, 6 minutes and 40 seconds of fame for each of 8-10 presenters. Since 2003, the concept has spread virally to over 135 cities around the world.
more info and show line-up at:
En Masse
EN MASSE - En Masse @ Osheaga 2009
With its debut installation at Galerie Pangée in February, 2009, the EN MASSE collective launched an exciting new element into the Montreal visual arts scene. In an unprecedented force of ink, the artists performed a monumental ‘art jam’ that covered every inch of the gallery’s walls.
28 artists with backgrounds in graffiti, comics, underground design and fine art culminate their talents toward a collective experience of the spontaneous ecstasy of making marks. Brand new to Montreal gallery and museum spaces, EN MASSE is a movable feast of collaborative, improvised creation.
Curated by Jason Botkin, Rupert Bottenberg and Fred Casia, the Osheaga EN MASSE event features a dozen artists performing a large-scale, improvised and site-specific mural to the festival sounds.
Lisa CzechTyler Rauman
Raphaele Bard
Gene Pendon
Tyson Bodnarchuk
Rupert Bottenberg
Fred Caron
Jason Botkin
Fred Casia
Krista Bursey
Alaska B
Tim Barnard